Setup your Noteu | Bluetooth

Connecting your Noteu Model A via Bluetooth in Windows

Step 1 - What's the Problem

We have tried to use Windows bluetooth support and results have been very poor as an open connection could never be made for a sustained period of time. This is a common issue in the Windows community from people that have used bluetooth devices using there support. Toshiba have created ther own bluetooth support called Tohsiba Bluetooth Stack that makes this process seemless and bluetooth problems become nonexistent.

Step 2 - Downloading

Toshiba's bluetooth stack was orginally developed for Toshiba computers however can be used by anyone. Toshiba currently don't support this version of the app anymore and there is no way to gain a licence after its 30 day trail it initially has however the guide below takes you through solving this problem. Download and unzip your Toshiba app but don't install until you have passed step 3.

Extract your ZIP file

Step 3 - Plugging in your Bluetooth Dongle

Toshiba's app will only work with external Bluetooth devices which is why you must use the Bluetooth dongle that came with Noteu. Plug in your Bluetooth donlge and drivers should automatically install from windows updates as shown below. Please note if the drivers say they have failed to install try restarting your computer which we have found activates your drivers. We have also found disabling any onboard bluetooth drivers activates your bluetooth dongle drivers.

Drivers should automatically install.

Step 4 - Installing your Tohsiba's App

You must have your Bluetooth dongle installed before you attempt to install Tohsiba's app. When its installed unzip the file you downloaded in step 2 and double click on the applaction inside.

Double click on the applaction.

Step 5 - Next, Next and Next

After you have clicked on the applaction a window will appear where you can follow its instructions while it installs its self with your Bluetooth dongle.

Click next, next and next.

Step 5 - Restart your Computer

You must restart your computer after you have installed Toshiba's app in order for it to be active and work.

Click Yes.

Step 6 - Find Bluetooth Settings

Once you have restarted your computer there should be a program called Bluetooth Settings installed. You can search for this within Windows or find it in all programs.

Search for bluetooth settings.

Step 7 - Add your Noteu

Bluetooth settings should load like below and this is your bluetooth control panel where you can search for devices and maintain all your bluetooth connections. Click on the new connection button to start searching for your Noteu.

Add a connection.

Step 8 - Search for your Noteu

Make sure you turn on your Noteu and then navigate through the instructions in the next connection window to search and find your Noteu.

Click next, next and next.

Step 9 - Remember your COM Port setting

Once you have found Noteu and clicked next then this window should appear telling you the com port Noteu is connected too in this case its COM40.

Remember your port number.

Step 10 - Connect to Noteu

Once you have added Noteu to your bluetooth control panel right clcik on the icon and hit connect.

Connect to your Noteu.

Step 11 - Enter your Bluetooth Pin

A prompt will appear next which will require Noteu's bluetooth pin which was stuck on the back of your Noteu.

Default pin is 1234

Step 12 - You are now connected!

Noteu is now connected to your computer and you are ready to use Noteu's desktop app. If you lose your connection you can open your bluetooth control panel again and connect to it like you just did.